× This Challenge was posted 1 year ago

Challenge Project


Eine freie Software von Ärzten für Ärzte

Elexis ist eine umfassende open source Software für Arztpraxen. Ursprünglich von Gerry Weirich programmiert, und von der Community und einer professionellen Firma weiterentwickelt.

{ hacknight challenges }

Visit the installation documentation, try to install the software on your machine, and report any issues with the basic instructions.

On the installation document, you will find a section on "Artikelstamm und Artikelstammdaten" to install reference data into your project. Follow these instructions.

Propose, design, and/or prototype an easier installation process, or more efficient (automated) data import process. Create a simple example based on the RESTful API (based on the FHIR7 standard) which is deployed using Docker from elexis-server