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Smart Use platform
Digitale Werkzeuge für die analoge Stadt
We have been working on this project for the past year, in cooperation with a Swiss association that promotes exchange on the topic of urban planning and policy. SmartUse is a Flask / Bootstrap application that runs a web portal where geodata about urban planning is visualized using OpenStreetMap data and open source mapping tools. It has a built in simple data resource portal and API based on the Frictionless Data standards. The code is open source and we're maintaining a public instance on the homepage.
There were several tracks and promising conversations related to this at DINAcon this year. Among them our thanks to Open Data Zurich and Adfinsys for their workshops on these topics. We would like to know what the community here thinks of projects like this, and whether the urban data discussion is something you would like to help us to take to the next level with better tools and collective efforts. More thoughts on this have been posted in the Opendata.ch Forum.
At the HACKnight, our team worked on the QField and OpenCollective projects. Read more in the README and technical report, and please leave a note below or ping @cividitech if you are interested in the process here.
Smart Use - Land, Growth and Big Data
A web application for collecting and sharing maps powered by a Geospatial Data Package API. Part of Smart Use, a pilot land use mapping project focusing on the greater metropolitan area around Zurich, Switzerland. The growth of the economy and demographics has until now required the continued expansion of infrastructure and settlement space. The sustainable transformation of urban landscapes can only succeed today, however, when spatial development transitions from a "hardware-oriented" planning of offers, to a "software-oriented" approach in land use management.
Questions about the development of human settlement are answered to a large degree by the tender planning process. Part of a cooperation program, the Smart Use project aims to focus settlement development more strongly on the actual behaviour of land users, and therefore with new data sources to better understand their actual demand. The daily routines between home, working and leisure time are to be examined in the entire region, with a focus on the quality and the intensity of use of public spaces, streets and open areas.
For more information and to see the platform in action, please visit smartuse.ch
Further reading: