🏆 Eclipse Foundation

DINAcon 2020 Business Award winner

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Eclipse Che

Visit website at: https://www.eclipse.org/che/ and documentation at: https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs

Getting Started

Here you can find links on how to get started with Eclipse Che: - Use Eclipse Che online - Run Eclipse Che on your own K8S cluster

Using Eclipse Che

Here you can find references to useful documentation and hands-on guides to learn how to get the most of Eclipse Che: - Customize Che workspaces for your projects - Run VSCode Extensions in Che workspaces - Configure Che for your teams

Feedback and Community

We love to hear from users and developers. Here are the various ways to get in touch with us: * Support: You can ask questions, report bugs, and request features using GitHub issues. * Public Chat: Join the public eclipse-che Mattermost channel to discuss with community and contributors. * Twitter: @eclipse_che * Mailing List: che-dev@eclipse.org * Weekly Meetings: Join us in our Che community meeting every second monday.


If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base: - :bug: Submitting bugs - :pagefacingup: Contributor license agreement - :checkeredflag: Development workflows - :okhand: Review source code changes - :pencil: Improve docs - :building_construction: Che architecture - :octocat: Che repositories - :sparkles: Good first issue for new contributors

Extending Eclipse Che


We maintain the Che roadmap in the open way. We welcome anyone to ask question and contribute to the roadmap by joining our community meetings.


The following CentOS CI jobs are associated with the repository:

  • master - builds and push Maven artifacts on each commit to the master.
  • nightly - builds and push Maven artifacts, builds CentOS images and pushes them to quay.io on a daily basis from the master branch.
  • release - builds and push Maven artifacts, builds images from the release branch. CentOS images are public and pushed to quay.io.


Che is open sourced under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.

Event finished

24.10.2020 16:00

Event started

23.10.2020 15:00

Repository updated

23.10.2020 14:18 ~ loleg

Challenge posted

23.10.2020 14:18 ~ loleg

Connect to the community on Discourse Forum | Mattermost Chat | Twitter Social Media

All attendees, sponsors, partners, volunteers and staff at our hackathon are required to agree with the Hack Code of Conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to ensure a safe environment for everybody. For more details on how the event is run, see the Guidelines wiki.

Creative Commons LicenceThe contents of this website, unless otherwise stated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

HACKnight 2020