× This Challenge was posted 1 year ago

Challenge Project

Linked Geo Data

An open source challenge from the federal geoportal

geo.admin.ch makes certain Swiss geodata available in the form of Linked Data. swissBOUNDARIES3D (boundaries, cantons, regions, communes..) versions 2016 are 2017 are free under this license. See Open Data Speed Dating slides (in German) for some additional details.

Code: https://github.com/koma5/dinacon17SparqlChallenge

Visualisation built by @koma5 at the HACKnight, based on sample code by @p1d1d1 | Full screen (note: currently not working due to a CORS issue)

{ hacknight challenges }

Choropleth mapping challenge

Use our sparql endpoint for geometries. Optionally, get other (statistical) data from other sparql endpoints e.g. via federated queries. Create a choropleth map and visualize it, like this example, made with via D3.js and Leaflet.js

Back to the basics

Learn to use the tools on map.geo.admin.ch based on OpenLayers, to explore Swisstopo maps in your Web browser. Find out how to add your own geodata to the map using the KML import feature. Explore the geodata index (INSPIRE) and learn to browse geodata online.

Using the API geoservices

Use a desktop tool like QGIS to connect to GeoAdmin's Web Map Services and extract geodata. Create an application that connects and uses real-time data from the GeoAdmin API. Join the mailing list and contribute to open issues or discussions.

Contributed 7 years ago by pasquale for HACKnight 2017