All projects and challenges as of 24.01.2023 08:03.

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Open Project

Standard template for HACKnight challenges

(( A short introduction ... lorem ipsum ... what is cool and special and deserves attention in your open source project? ))

{ hacknight challenges }

(( a quick challenge for someone to take their first steps as a user... ))

(( something that one could do once familiar with the project... ))

(( a challenge for the coders and pro users in the room... ))

Workflow Node

A step in a data transformation process

(( Describe how workflows or automation are a part of your open source platform ))

{ hacknight challenges }

As a quick first challenge to warm up, create a user account on your platform or download your software. Describe how to do this.

Design and sketch how a new node would connect to your platform, what kind of workflow it may be part of, or other next steps.

Fork the starter node and get coding! Connect to your API to extract or push data from a prototype node.
