Test a Proof of Concept app from MeteoSwiss

In a joint project of swisstopo and MeteoSwiss, an open interface for accessing ten MeteoSwiss products was provided. Selected data can be freely obtained via STAC-API and OGC API FEATURES for test purposes during the test period. The goal of the prototype is, among other things, to obtain feedback from users via online survey.

The PoC will run until the end of November 2022. We are happy to support open initiatives like this as part of the DINAcon HACKnights and upcoming events like the GovTech Hackathon.

Photo above: OGC Sprint Recap by Chris Holmes.

See also:

Linked Geo Data
HACKnight 2017 Ask

An open source challenge from the federal geoportal

{ hacknight challenges }

Start with the online tutorial (GitHub) and run some example queries in your web browser. Familiarize yourself with the context of this dataset, and log into GitHub so you can ask questions & share feedback.

Learn to use APIs implementing the STAC API Specification with the STAC browser, where you can already connect to geodata repositories around the world. Use the QGIS plugin if you would like to explore the data in an open source desktop GIS tool. See also the QGIS-OAFeat interface in the tutorial.

Use a command line API testing tool like curl, or an advanced GUI like postman to work with servcie endpoints more precisely. At this point you should be ready to try connecting to the API with libraries in your choice of programming language. Your thoughts about the security, performance and reliability of this solution are particularly welcome. Please raise an issue or share your tips in our community chat.

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Proof of concept (POC) to ingest geospatial datasets from MeteoSwiss into a SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) and expose as OGC API Features.

Terms of Service

  1. This service is experimental and thus not for operational use.
  2. This service is limited in time, from 1.8.2022 to 19.12.2022 .
  3. The service has limited availability and limited operating hours: It is frequently rebooted.
  4. During the limited service period, data can be accessed for testing purposes only. You must provide the source (author, title and link to the dataset).
  5. Further, when using this service, the disclaimer of the Federal Administration and the respective terms of use must be complied with in every case. You should therefore read the disclaimer carefully: disclaimer.admin.ch.


OGC API and STAC are designed to be explorable through links and a good starting point is the Landing Page (aka Root Catalog) which links to capabilities, descriptions and fundamental resources of the services.

The OpenAPI definition can be consumed through the SwaggerUI. Select the appropriate server and authorization (for endpoints except GET) to try it out.

Be aware that the api definition is not in sync with the service implementation. There are addinonally transactional endpints for Collection and Feature/Item resources and the schemas/definitions might diverge from the actual implementation.


For now the basic use case is uploading a STAC Asset through the load-asset process. The input schema describes the json body of the post request passed to it's ./execute endpoint. It requires the file as base64 encoded string, some asset properties, the collection id and the item id or an item object to create.

Example python scripts for loading an asset to an existing collection as well as extracting & creating a collection resource from a geocat.ch entry are in the scripts folder.

Catalog Trees

Catalog trees can be created by adding collection resources with the property type set to Catalog and links with the relations parent, child and/or item. Naturally these relations should be reflected on the linked ressources as well.


The created resources can for example be consoumed with the STAC Browser. The assets contents accessible through the href reside on a S3 bucket.


A TUTORIAL is provided to integrate

  • Complete dataset browsing and donwload
  • Feature data download via API with examples
  • Integration in web and fat client applications

Feedback / Survey

If you are interested in MeteoSwiss data or OGC API Features services, please answer our questions about the Proof of Concept.

Fill in our SURVEY (DE) or SURVEY (EN) which only takes about 10 min. Thank You!


Please drop us an e-mail to customerservice@meteoswiss.ch with the subject POC OGD24.

Event finished

30.11.2022 14:00

Event started

23.11.2022 13:00

Edited content version 7

07.11.2022 09:36 ~ loleg


07.11.2022 08:57

Repository updated

07.11.2022 08:57 ~ loleg

Challenge posted

07.11.2022 08:57 ~ loleg
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DINAcon HACKnights