Thanks @bjorndown for your outstanding contribution here!
The association Wir lernen weiter (wLw for short) collects laptops from all over Switzerland, professionally refurbishes them, and then passes them on to people affected by poverty throughout the country. This is done through a large network of partners, who check the financial situation of the inquirer, and orders the laptops accordingly. People who need a laptop can contact the association via the website.
The basic situation is described on a form, for example, whether or not the person receives one receives social welfare or not. Depending on the combination of these questions, you will then receive a link, on which a map appears, which shows the partners for the respective situation. In the context of this concept, only the partners that are active in the social welfare context are discussed. On this map you can see all the municipalities in Switzerland and further information, where to contact and if the municipality is already part of wLw or not.
We could use your help in improving this part of our service. For more information on how to get involved, support or join the association, visit our website.
💸 Donations: wLw Spendenkonto
💸 Support Zorin OS (Linux distro used by wLw)
{ hacknight challenges }
Explore the current map of partner municipalities, get to know the project and it's extensive documentation (in the wikis).
Develop an alternative based on open maps, using the same dataset. See the request in the attached PDF for more detail. UPDATE: we are working on it, see README and LOG above.
Think about some other ways the open source community could support this project: from improving documentation, to maps of local Repair Cafés and Linux User Groups, to recruiting people in our community to volunteer some hours with users directly. By the way, wLw is looking for good techies here.
Automating updates to wLw's partner map.
Contributed as part of DINAcon HACKnights 2022.
Run locally
make setup
make run-exporter
make run-map
Run with docker/podman
make setup
make images
make run-exporter-container
make run-map-container
# open http://localhost:8080
Discussing deployment issues, hoping to go live soon :)
Edited content version 32
Edited content version 28
Event finished
exporter: make db location configurable, fix db schema.
map: improve readbility.
Update readme.
Add license.
exporter: use shape UUID as primary key, clean up.
Repository updated
Amazing! Hope you can join us on Wednesday night for a chat.
Delete map/geojson symlink
Making good progress, published at
Inital import.
Great! How did it go? I've invited you to a Mattermost team and call on Monday.
I will be having a video call with Tobias later today to get more insight into the problem/possible solution.
Joined the team
Edited content version 10
Edited content version 8
Edited content version 6
Added wLw challenge
Event started
Edited content version 3
Challenge posted